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Oral Hygiene

Why is Oral Hygiene So Important

As we age, our oral health can become increasingly vulnerable to periodontal disease, a condition that affects three out of four adults over the age of 35. This is because gum disease is caused by bacterial plaque, a sticky film that accumulates on teeth and at the gumline. When left untreated, this plaque can harden into tartar, which can lead to tooth loss and other serious oral health problems.

The key to preventing periodontal disease and decay is to maintain a strict oral hygiene routine. This includes daily brushing and flossing, as well as regular visits to the dentist. By removing plaque and tartar on a regular basis, you can help prevent the buildup of bacteria that leads to periodontal disease.

It's important to note that periodontal disease can be accelerated by a variety of factors, including smoking, diabetes, and certain medications. However, maintaining good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent the development of this condition. By thoroughly brushing and flossing your teeth every day, you can remove plaque and protect your gums from the harmful effects of bacteria.

How To Floss Your Teeth Like a Dentist

Periodontal disease often develops in areas of the mouth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush, such as between the teeth. This is why flossing is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene. However, it is important to use the proper technique in order to effectively remove plaque and protect your gums from disease.


To begin, take a piece of floss (waxed is easier to handle) about 18 inches long. Wrap most of the floss around the middle finger of one hand, and the rest around the middle finger of the other hand. To clean the upper teeth, hold the floss tightly between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Gently insert the floss into the spaces between the teeth using a back-and-forth motion. Do not force the floss or try to snap it into place. Once the floss is in place, bring it to the gumline and curve it into a "C" shape against one tooth. Gently slide the floss up and down the side of the tooth, being careful not to cut the gum tissue. Repeat this process on the other side of each tooth, making sure to floss both surfaces.


To clean the bottom teeth, use the same technique, but guide the floss using the forefingers of both hands. Don't forget to floss the back side of the last tooth on both the upper and lower jaws.


After flossing, rinse your mouth vigorously with water to remove plaque and food particles. It's normal for your gums to bleed or be a little sore during the first week of flossing. If your gums hurt while flossing, it could be a sign that you're applying too much pressure or pinching the gum. As you floss daily and remove plaque, your gums will heal and the bleeding should stop.

How To Brush Your Teeth Like a Dentist

To effectively clean your teeth and prevent periodontal disease, Dr. Magid recommends using a toothbrush with soft to medium bristles. Position the brush at a 45-degree angle where your gums and teeth meet, and gently move the brush in a circular motion using small strokes. The bristles should be directed against the outer surfaces of your teeth, but not so hard that it causes discomfort.


When cleaning the inside surfaces of the back teeth, follow the same technique, using a circular motion and gentle strokes. For the inside surfaces of the upper and lower front teeth, hold the brush vertically and make several gentle back-and-forth strokes over each tooth, including the surrounding gum tissue.

To clean the biting surfaces of your teeth, use short, gentle strokes. Change the position of the brush as necessary to ensure all surfaces are cleaned. You can also use a mirror to check that you are brushing all surfaces properly. After brushing, rinse your mouth vigorously to remove any plaque that may have been loosened during brushing.

Choosing The Right Dental Products

With so many dental care products available on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your needs. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you navigate the options and find products that will work well for most patients.


One popular choice is an automatic or "high-tech" electronic toothbrush. These toothbrushes are safe and effective for the majority of patients, and can help to remove plaque and massage the gums. Oral irrigators, or water spraying devices, can also be helpful in rinsing the mouth thoroughly, but they should be used in conjunction with brushing and flossing for best results. Electric toothbrushes such as Rotadent and Interplak have also been found to be effective.


Another option is toothbrushes with a rubber tip on the handle that is used to massage the gums after brushing. There are also tiny brushes (interproximal toothbrushes) that clean between teeth, but it is important to be careful when using these and to discuss proper use with your dentist.


Fluoride toothpastes and mouth rinses, if used in conjunction with brushing and flossing, can reduce tooth decay by as much as 40%. However, these rinses are not recommended for children under six years of age. Tartar control toothpastes can help to reduce tartar above the gum line, but it's important to note that gum disease starts below the gum line, so these products alone are not enough to reduce early stage of gum disease.


Anti-plaque rinses, which are approved by the American Dental Association, contain agents that may help bring early gum disease under control. As with other products, it's important to use these in conjunction with brushing and flossing for best results.

Professional Cleaning

Proper daily oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, play a crucial role in maintaining good oral health, but even the most diligent efforts may still leave some plaque and calculus behind. That's where professional cleanings come in - it's the best way to remove plaque and calculus that have accumulated on the teeth and gums, especially in those hard-to-reach areas.


Regular check-ups with your dentist are also an essential part of preventing gum disease and keeping your teeth for a lifetime. During these visits, your dentist will assess the condition of your teeth and gums, and provide any necessary treatment to keep them in top shape.


To ensure that you're doing everything you can to maintain a healthy mouth, we recommend scheduling a professional cleaning appointment and dental check-up every six months.


For more information or to schedule your next appointment, please contact our office.

Pediatric Dentistry

Your Child's First Visit

The first “regular” dental visit should be just after your child’s third birthday. The first dental visit is usually short and involves very little treatment. We may ask you to sit in the dental chair and hold your child during the examination. You may also be asked to wait in the reception area during part of the visit so that a relationship can be built between your child and your dentist.


We will gently examine your child’s teeth and gums. X-rays may be taken (to reveal decay and check on the progress of your child’s permanent teeth under the gums). We may clean your child’s teeth and apply topical fluoride to help protect the teeth against decay. We will make sure your child is receiving adequate fluoride at home. Most important of all, we will review with you how to clean and care for your child’s teeth.

What To Tell Your Child About Their Visit

We are asked this question many times. We suggest you prepare your child the same way you would before their first haircut or trip to the shoe store. Your child’s reaction to his first visit to the dentist may surprise you.

In a First Visit, the Dentist Will:


  • Examine your mouth, teeth and gums.

  • Evaluate adverse habits like thumb sucking.

  • Check to see if you need fluoride.

  • Teach you about cleaning your teeth and gums.

  • Suggest a schedule for regular dental visits.

Cavity Prevention

Most of the time cavities are due to a diet high in sugary foods and a lack of brushing. Limiting sugar intake and brushing regularly, of course, can help. The longer it takes your child to chew their food and the longer the residue stays on their teeth, the greater the chances of getting cavities.

Every time someone eats, an acid reaction occurs inside their mouth as the bacteria digests the sugars. This reaction lasts approximately 20 minutes. During this time the acid environment can destroy the tooth structure, eventually leading to cavities.


Consistency of a person’s saliva also makes a difference; thinner saliva breaks up and washes away food more quickly. When a person eats diets high in carbohydrates and sugars they tend to have thicker saliva, which in turn allows more of the acid-producing bacteria that can cause cavities.

Cavity Prevention

Most of the time cavities are due to a diet high in sugary foods and a lack of brushing. Limiting sugar intake and brushing regularly, of course, can help. The longer it takes your child to chew their food and the longer the residue stays on their teeth, the greater the chances of getting cavities.

Every time someone eats, an acid reaction occurs inside their mouth as the bacteria digests the sugars. This reaction lasts approximately 20 minutes. During this time the acid environment can destroy the tooth structure, eventually leading to cavities.


Consistency of a person’s saliva also makes a difference; thinner saliva breaks up and washes away food more quickly. When a person eats diets high in carbohydrates and sugars they tend to have thicker saliva, which in turn allows more of the acid-producing bacteria that can cause cavities.

What About Preventative Care?

Tooth decay and children no longer have to go hand in hand. At our office we are most concerned with all aspects of preventive care. We use the latest in dental sealant technology to protect your child’s teeth. Dental sealants are space-age plastics that are bonded to the chewing surfaces of decay-prone back teeth. This is just one of the ways we will set the foundation for your child’s lifetime of good oral health.

Tooth Growth Schedule

The first baby teeth that come into the mouth are the two bottom front teeth. You will notice this when your baby is about 6–8 months old. Next to follow will be the 4 upper front teeth and the remainder of your baby’s teeth will appear periodically. They will usually appear in pairs along the sides of the jaw until the child is about 2 1/2 years old.


At around 2 1/2 years old your child should have all 20 teeth. Between the ages of 5 and 6 the first permanent teeth will begin to erupt. Some of the permanent teeth replace baby teeth and some don’t. Don’t worry if some teeth are a few months early or late as all children are different.


Baby teeth are important as they not only hold space for permanent teeth but they are important to chewing, biting, speech and appearance. For this reason it is important to maintain a healthy diet and daily hygiene.


If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a first dental visit for your child, please contact us.

Dental Prophylaxis 
(Teeth Cleaning)

A dental prophylaxis is a cleaning treatment performed to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums. Prophylaxis is an important dental treatment for stopping the progression of gingivitis and periodontal disease.


Prophylaxis is an effective procedure in keeping the oral cavity in proper health and halting the progression of gum disease.


The benefits of professional teeth cleaning include:


  • Plaque removal. Tartar (also referred to as calculus) and plaque buildup, both above and below the gum line, can result in serious periodontal problems. Unfortunately, even with a proper home brushing and flossing routine, it can be impossible to remove all debris, bacteria and deposits from gum pockets. The experienced eye of a dentist or hygienist using specialized dental equipment is necessary to catch potentially damaging buildup.

  • A healthier looking smile. Stained and yellowed teeth can dramatically decrease the aesthetics of a smile. Prophylaxis is an effective treatment in ridding the teeth of these unsightly stains.

  • Fresher breath. Bad breath (or halitosis) is generally indicative of advancing periodontal disease. A combination of rotting food particles (possibly below the gum line) and potential gangrene stemming from gum infection, results in bad breath. The routine removal of plaque, calculus and bacteria at our facility can noticeably improve halitosis and reduce infection.


Prophylaxis can be performed at our office. We recommend that prophylaxis be performed twice annually as a preventative measure, but should be completed every 3–4 months for periodontitis sufferers. It should be noted that gum disease cannot be completely reversed, but prophylaxis is one of the tools Dr. Magid can use to effectively halt its progression.


For more information, or to schedule a professional cleaning appointment, please contact us.

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal diseases are infections of the gums, which gradually destroy the support of your natural teeth. There are numerous disease entities requiring different treatment approaches. Dental plaque is the primary cause of gum disease in genetically susceptible individuals. Daily brushing and flossing will prevent most periodontal conditions.

Why is Oral Hygiene So Important

Adults over 35 lose more teeth to gum diseases, (periodontal disease) than from cavities. Three out of four adults are affected at some time in their life. The best way to prevent cavities and periodontal disease is by good tooth brushing and flossing techniques, performed daily.


Periodontal disease and decay are both caused by bacterial plaque. Plaque is a colorless film, which sticks to your teeth at the gum line. Plaque constantly forms on your teeth. By thorough daily brushing and flossing you can remove these germs and help prevent periodontal disease.


Periodontal diseases can be accelerated by a number of different factors. However, it is mainly caused by the bacteria found in dental plaque, a sticky colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth. If not carefully removed by daily brushing and flossing, plaque hardens into a rough, porous substance known as calculus (or tartar).

Factors That Affect Gum Health
  • Smoking

  • Diabetes

  • Stress

  • Clenching and grinding teeth

  • Medication

  • Poor nutrition

Periodontal Disease

Bacteria found in plaque produces toxins or poisons that irritate the gums, which may cause them to turn red, swell and bleed easily. If this irritation is prolonged, the gums separate from the teeth, causing pockets (spaces) to form. As periodontal diseases progress, the supporting gum tissue and bone that holds teeth in place deteriorate. If left untreated, this leads to tooth loss.

Preventing Gum Disease

The best way to prevent gum disease is effective daily brushing and flossing as well as regular professional examinations and cleanings. Unfortunately, even with the most diligent home dental care, people still can develop some form of periodontal disease. Once this disease starts, professional intervention is necessary to prevent its progress.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss periodontal disease, please contact us.


Periodontal disease is a serious infection under your gum line.


ARESTIN® (minocycline hydrochloride) is an antibiotic that kills the bacteria that causes the infection.

  • It’s placed directly in the infected areas—or “pockets”—in your gums.

  • It’s applied right after scaling and root planing, the dental procedure that disrupts stubborn plaque and bacteria below your gum line—where brushing and flossing can’t reach.

  • ARESTIN® starts working quickly, right at the source of infection, and keeps fighting bacteria long after you leave the dental office. 


ARESTIN® fights infection and inflammation for 30 days, and provides significantly better results than scaling and rootplaning alone for up to 90 days.

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